Calendula Oil: The Powerful Skin Benefits You Should Know

Calendula Oil: The Powerful Skin Benefits You Should Know

Like May’s flowers, your skin will flourish with proper hydration and nourishment. Calendula oil is extracted from calendula flowers, which are frequently called marigold flowers. The pot marigold variety is the most commonly available and is known for its distinctively yellow and orange hue. The ancient Romans named the plant “calendula,” which originates from the Latin root “calendae” and translates to “little calendar,” after noticing fresh blooms on the first day of every month.

These flowers have been cultivated around the world for several centuries, including throughout the Mediterranean regions, parts of Asia, South America and Central America. Marigolds have been historically revered for their multiple use purposes and have been a staple in ceremonial rituals, culinary recipes and medicinal remedies.

They were regularly used for religious celebrations in early Catholic and Hindu ceremonies to signify the Virgin Mary (the origin of its colloquial name) and adorn holy Hindu deities, respectively. These flowers also were a fixture in Aztec and Mayan rituals and today, they still are used to decorate home altars for The Day of The Dead in Mexico and the Americas.

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Marigold petals, leaves and seeds have been a global cooking staple since ancient times. This edible flower has a mild peppery taste with a hint of citrus-like sweetness, which makes it a great substitute for saffron in recipes. It is frequently used as a spice in soups, salads, rice, oatmeal, baked goods and teas. Alongside its flavor-enhancing properties, calendula enriches foods with medicinal benefits that were regularly used for conditions including treating stomach ulcers and sore throats, reducing fever, muscle spasms, heartburn and menstrual cramps.

These healing benefits have also proven to boost skin health and works as a dermatological remedy when applied topically. Calendula oil can be found either in liquid form as an essential oil or infused into a cream or balm. Read on to see how this botanical solution rejuvenates your skin to prolong its youthful glow and vitality into your golden years.

Reduces Inflammation & Related Conditions

Calendula oil is known for its anti-inflammatory properties to heal skin concerns in the short and long term. Inflammation is often the root cause of common skin conditions that clog your pores and cause dryness or irritation, resulting in acne, eczema, rosacea and hypersensitivity. Calendula oil contains high flavonoids and carotenoids (which give these flowers their vibrant orange color) concentration. These antioxidants aid your immune system to reduce your body’s histamine production, which leads to rashes, allergic reactions and generally angry, painful skin texture. They also protect your skin against free radicals to make it more resilient over time.

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The marigold extract also contains anti-bacterial and antifungal properties to keep your acne under control. This natural remedy will not strip moisture from your skin. It is a fairly mild ingredient that can be used in conjunction with more abrasive acne or dermatological medications to resolve your skin issues.

Keep Your Skin Smooth & Replenish Its Moisture

Hydration is essential for healthy and smooth skin. Calendula oil contains a mixture of predominantly calendic and linoleic fatty acids. Calendic acid is an unsaturated fatty acid compound unique to the calendula flower and chemically behaves similarly to linoleic acid when ingested or applied to the skin.

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Linoleic acid is a polyunsaturated essential fatty acid that sustains our skin’s moisture and protective barrier. It is rich in omega 6 nutrients that are responsible for retaining moisture and preventing excess water loss. Proper hydration allows for healthy cell function and reduced inflammation. These systems work together to create plumper, more resilient skin. This smooth and nourished texture prevents dryness or cracked skin, which would leave you more vulnerable to itchiness, redness or potential infection.

Promotes Wound Healing

During wound recovery, calendula oil’s skin-restoring benefits most unmistakably shine. In a 2018 research study, women who recently had C-section procedures and used a calendula-infused ointment had a significantly shorter scar healing time than those who did not use a product containing calendula. Wound healing relies on a strong immune system to repair and generate new cells.The floral extract includes an antioxidant-rich trifecta to aid this process: (1) its anti-inflammatory benefits to support and stimulate cellular growth, (2) its antimicrobial properties that keep dirt and germs away from the area and (3) its hydration-sealing elements maintain a protective moisturizing barrier.

These attributes make calendula oil-enriched products a great option to incorporate into your tattoo aftercare routine. Our Zensa Healing Cream contains this botanical remedy alongside grapefruit seed essential oil to enhance the product’s antimicrobial protection.

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Like our Healing Cream, wound healing products with calendula oil also are suitable to treat burns, rashes, irritating skin conditions (such as eczema) and scars. Make sure to speak with your tattoo artist, a dermatologist or your general doctor before integrating any additional compounds into your routine.

Anti-Aging & Sun Protection Properties

When discussing skincare, cellular regeneration and collagen production go hand-in-hand. Collagen production, the regenerative protein responsible for your skin’s firmness and elasticity, naturally slows down as we age. This process leaves our skin more vulnerable to dryness, uneven skin texture, hyperpigmentation and wrinkles. With its cell growth-stimulating properties, calendula extract also boosts collagen production – allowing these systems to work together and reveal more resilient, smoother skin.

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The antioxidants found in calendula oil also have skin brightening benefits and protect against free radicals from UV rays. These flavonoids could shield your skin from common sun damage effects, such as sun spot reduction and accelerated skin aging. However, it still is essential to wear sunscreen with at least SPF 30 to best safeguard your skin.

Additional Precautions Before Use

Calendula flowers, like common daisies and ragweed, are part of the Asteraceae and Compositae plant family. Therefore, if you have any related allergies, speak with your doctor before using this extract on your skin and avoid applying it if you’re uncertain about a potential reaction.

If you choose to purchase a pure calendula essential oil, make sure to combine it with a carrier oil before using it on your skin. This extra step does not apply to any cream or skincare product already infused with the calendula oil extract.




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